Applicable Mathematics and Informatics



Bonus Exercise 2

Write and check with Mizar the proof skeletons for the following.
  1. Use environ block from TARSKI (for newer libraries, use MBOOLEAN) to create the proof skeleton for:
    reserve X, Y, Z for set;

       X = bool Y iff for Z holds Z in X iff Z c= Y;

  2. Use environ block from AXIOMS to create the proof skeleton for:
    reserve x, y, z for Element of REAL;

       for A being Subset of REAL st 0 in A & for x st x in A holds x + 1 in A holds NAT c= A;

  3. Use environ block from FUNCT_2 FUNCT_3 to create the proof skeleton for:
    reserve X, Y for set, x for object;

       for f1, f2 being Function of X, Y st Y <> { }
         & for x st x in X holds f1.x = f2.x
         holds f1 = f2;

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