Applicable Mathematics and Informatics



Session 2

Let us take a look at some examples of how mathematical definitions are written in natural language.

What to do for this assignment

  1. Study the contents of reference [1, pp.543-544] in the related reading list to see how a formal definition of a Petri net can be expressed in natural language and graphical form.

    Based on the information given in the definition, consider the following:

    • Can a Petri net have different numbers of place and transition elements?
    • Can a Petri net have no arcs (i.e., F = empty set)?
    • Can a Petri net arc have infinite weight?
    • Can a Petri have only one place or transition element?
    • Can a Petri net have no elements?
    • Is PN=(P, T, F, W, M0) the same as (N, M0)?

  2. Do Exercise 2.