Academic English I (AE1) - Spring 2018, Kawamoto


Writing a Bibliography
A bibliography is the list of books, articles, and 
other resources referenced in a written report.  
It appears at the end of the report in the following 


       <end of technical report body>


[1] Peterson, James L., Petri Net Theory and the
  Modelling of Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood 
  Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.
[2] Kawamoto, Pauline N., Yasushi Fuwa, and Yatsuka 
  Nakamura, "Basic Petri Net Concepts", Formalized 
  Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1992, pp.183-187.
[3] Hotz, Robert L., "Automatic processes dominate
  thinking", The Japan Times, March 30, 2005, p.17.
Point 1: The header of the bibliography of a technical report is: References. Other headers you might see are: Bibliography (usually for literary works), Works Cited, Sources. Point 2: Entries are numbered in technical bibliographies (for direct referencing within the text). In literary bibliographies, entries are alphabetized by authors' last names (or titles, if no author). Point 3: The typical entry formats are shown below. Book entries:
  <name of author (last name first)>, <title (underlined)>, 
    <publisher>, <place of publication>, <date of publication>,
    <page(s) referenced>.

  Note:  Use a comma to separate the last name of the author from 
    the first name, e.g, Kawamoto, Pauline N. 
Journal/newspaper entries:
  <name of author (last name first)>, <"article/paper title" (in quotes)>, 
    <name of publication>, <volume number>, <issue number>, 
    <date of publication>, <page(s) referenced>.

  Note:  Volume/issue number are typically written as Vol. 32, No. 2,
    for example.  To save space, sometimes this is condensed to 32, (2)
    or even 32(2).
Skip information that is not applicable (e.g., in general, volume/issue numbers do not apply to newspaper articles so these items are not written). For special type entries, consult the guidelines for your report or a writer's manual for the format. Point 4: Prepare your bibliography carefully to avoid plagiarizing the work of others (plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of a source as your own).