Academic English I (AE1) - Spring 2018, Kawamoto


Unless otherwise specified, exercises should be completed by two days before the next class meeting.

Complete exercises E1 to E10 by May 31, 2018.

Complete exercises E11 to E19 by July 27, 2018 July 31, 2018.

Exercise 1

  Find the (official) English names of the departments 
  on this campus.  Send your answers to the instructor 
  by e-mail.

  Notes on e-mail submissions:

  * Be sure to include your name, student ID # in 
    the message body.
  * Use a meaningful description in the Subject: line
     (e.g., "Academic English I Exx").
  * Put your own e-mail address in the Cc: line to send 
    a copy of each submission to yourself.

Exercise 2

  Create a set of 10 question-answer (Q/A) pairs in English
  by changing a piece of information in an earlier question
  beginning with:

    When did you come to Nagano?

Exercise 3

  Send a request in English to the instructor for your 
  submission status page ID (you may also request an 
  ID of your choice).

Exercise 4

  Find the English definitions of the following terms:

    - experiment
    - research

  and the Japanese definitions of:

    - ŽÀŒ±
    - Œ¤‹†

  Send your answers to the instructor by e-mail.
  Be sure to report your source(s).

Exercise 5

  Create a bibliography containing nine entries in 
  technical report style.  Include three books, three 
  articles, and three papers of your choice.

  Note:  The reference information for a Japanese source
  should be written in "romaji" for this exercise.

Exercise 6

  Read over the unit questions in the beginning of each unit in 
  your textbook.  Submit a list of titles of the reading texts in 
  each unit and report the approximate number of words in each 
  reading text in a table format.

  How to make a simple homepage with tables

Bonus Exercise 1

  Find online descriptions (outside of Shinshu University) 
  of the guidelines on how to write a bibliography for: 
  1) a technical report and 2) a non-technical report.

  Submit the URL(s) to the instructor by e-mail.

Exercise 7

  Correct the sentences below:


Exercise 8 Click here.

Exercise 9

  Find three abstracts from technical reports in your field.
  Submit the text of each abstract and its size (# of characters
  for Japanese abstracts, # of words for English abstracts).

  Include the reference information for each source (i.e., author,
  title, name of publication, volume/issue #, date of publication,

Exercise 10

  Find three figures and three tables from papers in your field.  
  Send the full images of the figures and tables and the captions, 
  titles of each to the instructor.  Indicate (with underlines or 
  highlights) examples of where the figures and tables are 
  referenced in the text.

------- Complete exercises E1 to E10 by May 31, 2018. -------

Exercise 11

  Follow the instructions inside the front cover of your 
  textbook to register for the iQ Online Practice (iQOP) 
  service.  Look over the contents of the online practice 
  for each unit.

  Get the iQ Online Practice class code from the 
  instructor and register your account.

Exercise 12

  Listen to the audio in 

    "Vocabulary 1 Pronunciation"

  and do 

    "Vocabulary 1 Practice"
    "Reading Comprehension:  Predicting Future Trends" 

  in the Unit 1 Practice of the iQ Online Practice.

  Also listen to and read along with the audio in:

    "Work With the Reading" p.6

  in the Media Center of the iQ Online Practice for 
  Unit 1 at least two times.

Exercise 13

  Listen to:

    "Vocabulary 2 Pronunciation"

  and do:

    "Reading Skill: Identifying the main idea of a paragraph"
    "Vocabulary 2 Practice"
    "Vocabulary Skill"

  in the Unit 1 Practice of the iQ Online Practice.

Exercise 14


    "Writing Skill: Writing a topic sentence"
    "Grammar Practice: Simple present and present continuous"
    "Grammar Expansion: Using simple present and present continuous tenses"
    "Unit Video: Colors in Business"

  in the Unit 1 Practice of the iQ Online Practice.

Exercise 15

  (Use G. and H. (Writing, p.20) in your textbook
  to plan your work.)

  Write a topic sentence about something that
  is popular.  Make sure your sentence contains
  a controlling idea.  Then write an outline with
  at least two supporting ideas for your topic 
  sentence and write a paragraph in English 
  using your outline.  Include a topic sentence, 
  supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.


    1) your topic sentence,
    2) outline, and
    3) paragraph

  to the instructor by June 21, 2018.

Exercise 16

  Listen to the audio in:

    "Vocabulary 1 Pronunciation"

  and do:

    "Vocabulary 1 Practice"
    "Reading Comprehension:  Men, Women, and Color"
    "Reading Skill:  Getting meaning from context"

  in the Unit 2 Practice of the iQ Online Practice.

Exercise 17

  Listen to the audio in:

    "Vocabulary 2 Pronunciation"

  and do:

    "Vocabulary 2 Practice"
    "Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes"
    "Unit Video: Pantone Color Company"

  in the Unit 2 Practice of the iQ Online Practice.

Exercise 18

  Find a call for papers that might accept a report 
  on the use of technology in education.  

    - the name of the call for papers
    - the relevant topic areas
    - the submission guidelines
    - the submission timelines

Exercise 19

  Using the peer review feedback from E15, submit
  a revised version of:

    1) your topic sentence,
    2) outline, and
    3) paragraph

  on something that is popular to the instructor.

  All peer review papers will be returned by e-mail
  by July 24, 2018.

Bonus Exercise 2

  To be announced

Final Exercise

    Choose one topic from the following list and write a
    4 paragraph essay in English about it:

      * a current trend and why you think it is popular
      * color psychology and engineering
      * Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
      * something you learned in this class

    STEP 1.  Brainstorm ideas about the topic you selected
      above and submit a topic sentence (in English or Japanese, 
      underlined) for your essay.

    STEP 2:  Submit an outline for your essay (in English or
      Japanese, at least two supporting details for each 
      supporting paragraph).

    STEP 3.  Write your essay (in English) and submit it with 
      a completed self-assessment checklist.

    Deadline:  July 31, 2018 August 4, 2018.

    Bonus credit for a bibliography attached to the end of the essay.