Academic English I (AE1) - Spring 2018, Kawamoto


(Academic English I)
Pauline N. Kawamoto

Course Description

  In this course, students will practice reading/comprehension
  for working with technical reports and practice skills for
  writing a 3-5 paragraph essay.

Course Contents

  Week 1:       Introduction
  Week 2:       On technical reports
  Week 3:       Bibliographies
  Week 4:       Proofreading
  Week 5:       Abstracts
  Week 6:       Figures, tables
  Week 7:       Calls for papers
  Week 8:       Brainstorming, topic sentences
  Week 9:       Writing an outline
  Week 10:      Parts of a paragraph (supporting sentences)
  Week 11:      Parts of a paragraph (concluding sentences)
  Week 12:      Peer review
  Week 13-15:   Paragraph, essay writing
  Week 16:      Final examination (final exercise)
  Courseware page:


  Students receive points for attendance, classwork, and a final 
  examination.  The grading scale is shown below.

     Attendance:  20%
     Classwork, quizzes, final examination (final exercise):  80%

        S:  90-100%
        A:  80-89%
        B:  70-79%
        C:  60-69%
        F:  Less than 60%